Returns & Refund Policy

If you are dissatisfied with your purchase and wish to return an item, please contact us via email or phone within 30 days of receiving your order to be eligible for a full or partial refund (if applicable). Please ensure that any product you return is in the same condition as when you received it and in its original packaging.

Sale or discounted items are considered final sales and cannot be returned for store credit or refunded to the original form of payment. If your refund request is approved, you will receive a refund minus the shipping cost. All returns must be in their original condition with packaging intact.

For inquiries about returning orders, please email us at Our customer support team strives to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours during our regular business hours, which are Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm EST. You can also reach us by phone at +1 315-504-4651 during these hours.

Refunds (If Applicable)

Once we receive your item(s) in the specified condition, we will process your refund promptly and notify you accordingly. The refund will be initiated to the payment method used for your purchase. Depending on your card issuer’s policies, the credit should reflect in your account within 10-12 business days. Please note that items for medical or personal care are non-returnable.

For inquiries about refunds, please email us at If, for any reason, your refund cannot be fully processed through your original payment method, we will issue the refund via bank transfer. Refunds are not issued via CashApp, PayPal, Wise, Payoneer, Venmo, or similar services.

Reserved Rights Regarding Refunds

Please note that once a return is initiated, your items must reach our warehouse within 15 days. Failure to do so may result in refusal or rejection of the return. We reserve the right to define, limit, refuse, or reject returns from customers due to irregular or excessive returns history, involvement of used, altered, laundered, damaged, or missing items, or potential fraudulent or criminal activity.


Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate exchanges due to the availability of specific items.

Damaged or Missing Orders

If you receive a broken, damaged, defective, or incorrect item, please report it to us within 30 days of delivery with a photo of the item. We will issue a replacement item or provide a complete refund.

If your order appears to be missing but is marked as delivered in the tracking information, , please take the following steps:

  • Check with neighbors or household members to see if the package was mistakenly delivered to them.
  • Confirm the shipping address provided in your order confirmation email for accuracy.
  • Contact the carrier directly to inquire about the delivery status and request documentation of the non-delivery.
  • Once you have proof of non-delivery, please send it to us so that we can promptly process a refund for your order.

Sale Items

Only regular-priced items are eligible for refunds; sale items cannot be refunded or canceled.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding our Refund and Returns Policy, please contact us via email at Our customer support team is available Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm GMT, and strives to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.